Eyebrow Reconstruction in Delhi

Are your eyebrows thin, uneven, or just not living up to your expectations?
Spending countless hours trying to fill in with makeup, only to experience smudged or faded brows at the end of the day. It’s heartbreaking! Eyebrows make or break the game by enhancing the captivating features of your eyes. Well-shaped and dense brows enhance one’s personality and ooze out the attractiveness of just one look.
If you are done investing your precious hours in a salon and looking for some permanent solutions, it’s time to consider Eyebrow reconstruction. From eyebrows restoring over-plucked or thinning brows to correcting asymmetry, eyebrow restoration offers a range of benefits beyond aesthetics.
How does it work?
Eyebrow transplants aren’t nearly as grotesque as patients envisioned. It follows the same mechanics as a hair transplant . During the session, healthy hair follicles from the back of the head are taken by a small linear scar or through the base of each hair follicle and then placed into very carefully designed sites in eyebrow area.
However, performing a hair transplant on the eyebrows is no less than artwork! Eyebrow Transplant in Delhi is about giving a fuller and filler look as a cosmetic treatment or restoration eyebrows for someone suffering from trichotillomania, alopecia areata, or skin burns and scars.
It’s a single-day procedure with no downtime. We have a leading hair transplant surgeon, Dr. Urvashi Chandra, who has a great deal of experience performing best eyebrow transplant surgery that provides a natural result.

- First, measurements are marked for recreating the new eyebrows according to the patient’s preference. Photos are clicked to keep the records.
- We ensure that newly designed eyebrows suit patients’ features and enhance their looks.
- Anesthesia is given in the donor area for the extraction and nape of the neck for minimal pain and discomfort.
- For Implantation, local anesthesia is injected into the eyebrow. Implantation is done with 0.7 or 0.8 mm implanter for fine hair.
- Our expert hair transplant surgeon ensures to implant grafts in the exact same angle and direction following the growth of natural eyebrows.
Post-Op Care
- Patients are provided with post-op kits, including medicines and saline spray.
- Implanted eyebrows have to be sprayed with saline every half an hour.
- Scabs formed after the procedure in the implanted area will fall off in 10 days, healing skin just like before.

The growth of the eyebrow area is naturally slow, the implanted grafts exhibit best eyebrow transplant results in about 6 to 8 months of implantation. One can witness the full results anywhere around 8 to 12 months.
Why Choose Us?
Why choose chandra clinic for eyebrows transplant in Delhi?
eyebrows Reconstructing needs a lot of skill, expertise, experience, and the proper set of instruments. Being one of the best hair transplant clinics in Delhi, we have been accommodated with excellently trained hair experts and leading surgeon Dr. Urvashi Chandra. At Chandra Clinic, one will be getting all the good deals under one roof.